What I Did Today

Today I began with typing practice as part of my professional skills development goals. I was able to improve my speed to around 47-48 wpm on average compared to recent days, but my accuracy went down. I then continued by researching and summarizing job listings and posting them to CTP’s skill center for the next hour or so. Afterward, I worked on ERG research until it was time for the check-in meeting. While waiting for the meeting, I squeezed in some more typing for a couple extra minutes. Carrie assigned me a new task during the meeting, which is meant to be a temporary assignment that should replace one of my old tasks. The new task was research into bank CRA audits, with the idea being to reach out to companies being audited for volunteer and funding opportunities. I was mainly focused on researching the people who work for the company to find a profile of the person acting as the Chief CRA Officer for the company. I was only looking at ones in California. However, of the ones listed, it seems to be hard to find people with that job title in particular. I switched to gathering CTP Alumni contact info for a little while, and found two LinkedIn profiles from graduates of CTP in 1998. Finally, I went back to CRA research and added phone numbers for bank offices where I couldn’t find a specific person to contact. I also added info about their funding areas, which required extra digging sometimes. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and so I’m closing out my work until next week and going to enjoy the break.