We continued where we left off with the assignment yesterday. After we imaged the computer we had to rename it and join the domain for CTP which is EVO. It is recommended that renaming the PC and joining the domain be done separately to avoid any Windows quirks. Renaming the computer can be done by right clicking the Windows logo then clicking System, renaming the computer. The computer restarts with the new name applied. Joining a domain is done similarly with a changing from a work group to domain which in this case evo.ctp.lan. One can also search the domain in the search bar. A pop-up will ask for the credentials in order to join the domain. Then the computer will restart and at that point one can login as ‘other user’ and login using his class credentials.

Next we performed a imaging using an image of Windows 2010 with Office 2016. This was done with essentially the same procedure as the first imaging we did. However, we discovered that this image was not syspreped and was not giving the Windows OOBE we wanted. So we had to perform a sysprep on the machine to have the OOBE. This can be done in three ways – use the run command to run sysprep, locate sysprep via Graphical User Interface (GUI) and double click the .exe file and execute syprep using cmd. This restarts the computer which runs the OOBE process including the creation of the local admin. Logging in as the local admin allows us to change the computer name and join the domain. After the two consecutive restarts we can log in as ‘other user’ with class credentials with the new image of the computer now with Office 2016.