What I Did Today

– Had to leave early from Skillsoft coworking today for an appointment.
— Nathan is great.
– More networking
— It’s cool to be tracing all the invisible lines of the network
— pinging
— configuring firewalls
— left off trying to log into the router
– Month 2 checkin with Devin and Carrie
— Skillsoft improved but is still my weak point. I feel like I’m very aware of this and trying to balance actually digesting the content in a way that will continue to serve me and Just Getting It Done. Specifically I think that I’m doing well enough in everything else that it’s not the worst tradeoff if I’m only mediocre in the metric for skillsoft, given that the aim here is to teach me things that will continue to serve me.
— I feel like I’ve been balancing everything else as well as I can with the resources available to me. And it seems to be going pretty well.
— I do need to keep an eye on my swearing tho lol.
— Also asked Jose if he had any specific feedback. Nothing in particular, he said I’m doing well.