What I Did Today

Today is a day to be proud of just showing up. Felt awful but showed up on time to both coworking and class. Did not get much skillsoft done. Also was moving slow in class. But showed up and did what I could without it being painful. Very much plodding along.
– Learning about networking! I think it would be very interesting if my brain was working right now. Learned a lot of new terms. “DNS” has finally been downloaded into my brain.
– Ended on an interesting error to solve tomorrow.
– Networking is so abstract.
– I just really like working in VirtualBox. Someone at my volunteering recommended is and me and another guy chimed in with a “oh VirtualBox is great” in unison.
– looking forward to maybe being an intern so I can turn some of the video documentation into written docs. It’s at least annoying, if not an accessibility issue.
– Succeeded in not feeling worse after class and even maybe even a little better. I find this very encouraging.