Today I began by finding and summarizing 3 job listings to post to CTP’s skill center page for program graduates. I found one job listing which was hybrid and two that were on-site. Going into the next hour, I was able to say hello to a new associate that joined last week. It’s nice to be able to have company. Then I tried to find profiles for CTP alumni on LinkedIn by going down a list of names, but I didn’t find any this time. Next, I cross-referenced the DEI outreach spreadsheet with the DEI watch page to see if any adjustments needed to be made, and I indeed found a couple companies that could be crossed out, and a few new ones to be added. It’s nice to know that the list is kept up to date by whoever maintains it. Going into the next hour, a CTP participant joined my Zoom breakout room for a study hour as per our scheduled time, and I both monitored and worked on the rehabilitation center outreach spreadsheet. Much of the work on the spreadsheet was just making sure names were correct and that duplicates had been removed, but I’m confident it’s updated now. The study session went well, and it was quiet and productive. In my last hour, I focused on adding links to the DEI spreadsheet for potential outreach to companies who have committed to their DEI initiatives recently. I’m happy that I was able to get a lot done, and the hours went by quickly.