What I Did Today

– Skillsoft coworking went really well. I’ve almost done more this week than in the previous 3. Really glad I asked for this accommodation.
– Phonecall scripts
— I try to have unobtrusive fun where I can in this course.
— Jose really committed to the bit in his voicemail message.
— setting the line spacing to 1.15 for written scripts makes them read way smoother for some reason
– More skillsoft time
— Finished another lecture. No wonder terminal nerds like linux. The commands are way more intuitive than either mac or windows.
— Tests are kind of poorly written for actually gauging understanding though.
— Very happy with my ability to intuit commands that I don’t specifically remember.
— Bring online, initialize, partition, format.
– United Business Bank research
— exceedingly hard to find anything? Much harder than Mechanics Bank. They seem like the most normal smallish bank that has ever existed.