What I Did Today

Today I began by working on finding and summarizing job listings to be posted to CTP’s skill center page. I actually needed to follow up with supervisors about previous discussions we’d had first, so that somewhat distracted from the job listings task. Additionally I was feeling somewhat unwell at the start of my day, but luckily it passed and pretty soon I felt better. I did need a somewhat longer break early on, but I communicated the situation and ended up taking shorter breaks later in the day to make up for it. After this, I worked on trying to find profiles for CTP alumni, without much success, for a short while. I continued by doing B-Corp research, specifically looking for B-Corps that are potential candidates for partnership with CTP. Similarly, I also worked on researching rehabilitation centers for medical conditions such as spinal injuries. These centers are often good partners for CTP since many of these patients need such rehabilitation for integrating back into their normal life and transitioning to a more accessible type of work. Finally, I looked into companies that have kept their DEI initiatives in spite of recent legal changes, and made sure to highlight those for potential outreach compared to companies which disbanded their DEI initiatives. I have some follow-up meetings with supervisors later in the week, so I will look forward to that.