Today I worked on finding and posting job listings to CTP’s skill center page and managed to find 3 jobs without too much issue. I’m hoping to be able to keep that up. After that, I practiced my typing speed for a little while and more or less matched my score from yesterday. I was a little bit slower but a little bit more accurate, so I think it evened out. I still want to focus more on speed, however. Then I did some research into CTP Alumni profiles on LinkedIn, and managed to find one that I’m not 100% positive is the same person, but it seems extremely likely since the name matched exactly and the years lined up. Next, I had a check-in meeting with Carrie, and she mentioned she had a template almost ready for me and the other associates to use for rehabilitation center outreach. I’m happy to be able to start that because it will allow me to switch between researching new organizations and reaching out to ones that are already on the list, which helps break up the monotony. I continued working on rehab center research for the rest of the time. I am nearing the end of my second 100-hour period of AWEX, and should be finishing next week.