What I Did Today

Today I began by practicing my typing skills, to warm up before starting my usual tasks. I performed better than yesterday, but have still not quite caught up with my prior best average, and I’m hoping to get to that point by the end of the week. Next, I worked on finding job listings to post to CTP’s skill center page. The jobs I found were administrative assistant roles, which included low qualification requirements but still overlapped a lot of skills learned in training at CTP. I did spend some time looking for CTP Alumni profiles, but many of the graduates listed were graduates from the 80s, and I have not had much luck in that range so far. Finally, I spent the rest of the time researching B-Corps and companies with ERGs for disability inclusion. I was only able to find one or two new listings, but I’m hoping any additional outreach will be fruitful as long as the company’s mission is sufficiently aligned with CTP’s.