What I Did Today

Today I was not given any new assignments, so I continued working on posting job listings to CTP’s skill center. I also looked up some more food resources in both Calaveras County and Tuolumne County. I also learned some new things about Workday to make sure I am logging time correctly. There have been some new job listings since last week, so I rotated through some search terms I had used before to try my luck at them again. I also expanded my search to more areas in California, and found at least one IT position listing. I have found using a search term like “Customer Service Representative” can get plenty of listings in a field that works directly with customers at a front-desk, and also listings that practice phones etiquette, which is a skill learned in CTP’s training. However, I generally try to look for more office-setting jobs, since front-desk customer service is only a small facet of jobs that use computer technologies. Overall, I’m happy with what I was able to find today, despite a slow start.