I have a new way of looking at a router thanks to Alex. I understand the concept of public and private ips but I always looked at it as network facing and internet facing.
Viewing them as separate halves I think is more fitting like 2 sides of a coin. It tends to remind you of the wall that divides the LAN from another LAN in a different Domain, WAN and/or Internet. The router acts as a gateway through that wall.
The basic building blocks of LAN also helps in visualizing how they are connected and networked. Practicing with the cmd command lines serves as further reinforcement of what one knows.
Although I created bootable pen drives before this was the first time I knew about Easy2Boot. I was quite impressed with what it can do. One can run a lot of diagnosing tools, OS, utilities, etc. off a single USB (with a working menu nonetheless.)
I downloaded the Easy2Boot tool and Ultimate Boot CD iso. I have an iso for Kali Linux. The documentation for Easy2Boot was quite impressive and extensive. After a couple of tries I was able to create the bootable USB with the Kali Linux and UBCD iso. To get rid of the “Change File Extension” suggestions I added _q to the filenames of the iso files (Eg. UBCD.iso to UBCD_q.iso).
I was able to run the emulator for all except Kali Linux because of the 32-bit limitation . I ran Kali Linux off the bootable USB. A thing to note is the different procedure for BIOS and UEFI firmware. The bootable USB I created can run memtest86 on a BIOS machine but is not recognized in a UEFI one. This can be resolved by implementing a dual partition in the USB where the 2nd partition will hold the iso files as well as some configuration changes.
The images below show the results.
Bootable USB menu
Ultimate Boot CD menuMemtest86Kali Linux
This was an extensive project and a great one to work on. I can’t wait for the next one 🙂
The first hardware assignment is setting up a wireless router. I picked a Linksys WRT54G to work on.
First, I had to reset the router. I found the reset procedure in the manufacturers site. An ethernet cable connected the router and the computer.
Using the default user and password settings, I logged in the router interface via a web browser on I changed the SSID of the router and also changed the user and password. Applied the new settings and the router rebooted. I disconnected the cable from the computer and the router.
Using a laptop on Wifi, I searched for the SSID and connected to it. Open browser on to connect to the interface wirelessly.
I taught the CTT class. 2 students listened to the class overview. The rest of the students worked on the hardware rest lab. It was interesting to see what sorts of problems ran into and how the overcome the problems. Seemed like people had fun. All-in-all a successful and fun day.
Today we reviewed how to use password vaults. I installed the Chome extension for LastPass. Since I also worked on the hardware reset labs and needed to create a new administrative password I stored these account credentials in LastPass so I did not need to remember the complex passwords I used. It was hard to find the documentation for the Cisco switch reset procedure. It was fun to see the different router configuration panels. Tomorrow I would like to look into how to connect to the Cisco command line.