First day back from break. Worked on reviewing class procedures and setting up Browser settings. I like the review as it tends to help me get centered on the new class projects. I am still lagging from a recent illness. I’ll try and keep up as best as I can. Still need to work on setting up file folders. I do not know why this part of computer learning is so difficult to absorb, but I’ll keep at it till it sinks in.
FT Customer Service – Auto Body Shop in Berkeley
Front office customer service representative needed full-time. Will liaise between the Estimator and clients, deal with insurance companies, collect money due, and more.
Best of luck!
What I did today
Today I had to quit class before I really got started. Merging is a pretty complicated process. Gotta catch up and get this portfolio project completed.
What I did Today
Finished Elective Slides Project. Worked out pretty well. Doing Sheets again. Learning letter merging. Cool.
What I did today
Typing. A Linked- in profile development day. I learned different sorts of strategies when dealing with work problems. By sharing experiences with other classmates (and Carrie too), I feel better equipped to handle different scenarios in the workplace situations. Happy Birthday, MLK.
What I did today
Typed out 16 words per minute. I am hitting this number more and more consistently and now sometimes even more. Watch out Mavis. worked on my current Slides project. I think it will be interesting and have good visuals. Employment Services tommorow.
What I did today
Today we were assigned a new Accountability project. This will be very challenging. We are also starting a new elective project. I will be focusing on a new slide project.
What I did today
Signed up for a health class and gym. Everyone was very supportive and we all gave each other a hand. All in all a good day.
What I did today
We are deep into selling Gym and Spa products and services. Hands-on partnering with other classmates and staff. Cool
What I Did Today
Exciting day. we are going to simulate intake calls for a health spa and gym. Making appointments and selling health accessories. Got to 16 wpm typing.