We learned how to research company information to incorporate that in our interviews. We worked on common Interview questions and how to give appropriate answers to those questions. We learned how to appropriately answer the question of a gap in our work history.
What I did today
– Employment services! I’m very engaged.
– Interview questions. I’m personable but long-winded
– Mechanics bank seems like maybe even a fine place to work. good glassdoor reviews. I’d be interested in how the new CEO affects the working conditions.
What I did today
Today I worked on an assignment researching Mechanics Bank. Then the class took turns sharing the information they found. Then we shared our interview questions and answers.
What i did today
today we went over and did Ctp job log to put in the link of the resume. we have 3 months to complete it. then we did interview practice it was fun that i get to share out.
What I Did Today
I researched Mechanics Bank to prepare for next week’s mock interview
I practiced answering interview questions
I enjoyed everything about today’s class
I look forward to next week!
What I Did Today?
Login today and watch a program about Work Place Accommodation video and then I got back to Carrie A. to finish up with her questions.
What I did today was.
Interview question practice, con’t next week.
Link doc to spreadsheet.
Sample interview question about ourselves.
Sample interview question inquiring about gap in employment
What I did today
Research on Mechanic’s Bank and interview questions
What I Did Today
I finished my accountability assignment on time
I created a presentation for BerkMart’s new store grand opening
I sent an email to my DOR councelor
What I did today
Today we went over the details of the Berkmart slide show before we started the project. There was some discussion and suggestions about the project as we worked on it. I just completed my project and the class is ending for today.