What I did today

Today, the CTT class enjoyed a potluck to celebrate our 2nd to the last day of class. Alex shared one of Professor Messer’s videos discussing ports. After the class watched the video Alex discussed how these ports relate to CTP’s own server running a virtual machine that provides the DHCP, DNS and Active Directory services for the organization. We tried out Slack a collaboration platform and joined CTPs workspace.

What I did today 03/27

I forgot to do my What I did today yesterday so I am doing it today πŸ™‚ Alex discussed more about Wireshark and Nmap. Wireshark is a packet analyzer. Packets is how information is packaged and sent across the network internally or externally. Nmap is a network scanner that can scan network ports. However, it should be used only used within ones’ own network. Our project this week is based in these two tools.

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Today I learned more about nMap. It is a network scanner tool that allows you to see what devices are connected to a network, as well as what ports the devices have open. Other variants could be used maliciously to scan the public domain, searching for possible vulnerabilities within networks. There are scans being constantly run over the internet and it is considered an attempted attack to scan somebody else’s network, because this could reveal things that are not your business. However scanning your personal private network is acceptable and this will provide useful information regarding what devices are connected to your own network. I also began working with another program that captures packets being sent over different ports within your system. It is called Wireshark, and I am currently completely mystified by it and I have no idea how it works yet…

I am still trying to figure out how to Find some Interfaces for Wireshark to “sniff”…