What l did today

Typing. Kinda sluggish. We got a jump start to get our Portfolio Slide Show. This can only help me to improve

the skills we have already worked on. We also reviewed our Accountability assignment. Plenty to do. Class time

flies by at a lightning speed.

What I did today (GPT)

This week was a productive one as I spent a considerable amount of time working on “The BerkMart Conference Project.” I was able to dive deep into Google Sheets, which was a new experience for me, and I learned a lot. Along with this project, I also took some time to listen to my colleagues’ tech articles. It was great to learn new things and get some insights into different areas of technology.

Next week, I am looking forward to preparing for mock interviews. I am planning to practice my interviewing skills and get feedback from my mentors. This will help me to improve and become more confident when I go for real interviews. Overall, I am excited about the progress I have made this week and the opportunities that lie ahead.