Monday, June 24

Hello. Today our class watched a video on contrasting the differences between good and poor customer service. Then we practiced using styles within a document. And lastly we worked on Independent Challenge V3.

What I Did Today

I did the Independent Challenge. I think I did well on most of it except for the sheets part. I couldn’t figure the formula to total out decimal points. I want to know the formula for decimal point and average total?

What I Did Today

Today I started out with some job postings for the students. Then I transitioned to the ERG Outreach project. This is a very challenging project for me! That being said, I feel like I’m making some headway, and I just hope what I’m contributing ends up being helpful.

What I Did Today

Today we had an independent challenge. I am having a lot less pain today, and I felt better doing the challenge. My lupus started going into remission over the last few days, much better every day. I have to figure out how to deal with it better when it is happening…. Or maybe just tread while it’s happening and work steady when I don’t have it… Or work hard at keeping it in remission. I really feel a difference physically AND MENTALLY…..

What I did today

Today was my first day as an Associate here at CTP. Today I was in charge with searching Job listings and also updating the Emergency Food & Grocery list. I started out by searching for Job lists by using the variety of websites I was provided and posted 3 job listings. Next I started with searching any Emergency Food & Grocery by county through the use of the internet. This is was I did today.