What I Did Today

Today, I started with some job postings for the students, and then transitioned into adding songs to the CTP playlist. After that, I attempted to get more work done on the ERG Outreach project, but it’s still very slow going. These ERGs REALLY don’t like providing methods to contact them! That being said, dealing with frustration and keeping at it is a professional skill, so I can’t say I’m not learning something 🙂

What I Did Today

Today I worked on calling exercises with the group in 3cx. It was a little confusing at first, but I eventually got it right in my second group. For the rest of the day, I worked on customer service responses.

What I Did Today

I got to use 3CX phone system again. A different assignment this time. It was a little difficult at first but we got better after redoing the exercise. I had fun with it. I also worked on the professional email responses. I hope I did okay on it.