What I Did Today

Today we had an orientation for new students in Core Training. I enjoyed seeing new faces but we didn’t have a chance for introductions yet. Then I worked on my monthly evaluation email, Skillsoft lectures, and tried to get started on my graduation portfolio. I also had a chance to practice some typing. Finally, we went over keyboard shortcuts in both Google Docs and Windows. I learned how to use Alt to navigate menus in a Windows form dialog box. I’m excited for my 3rd month of Core Training.

What I did today.

Today I Completed a typing assignment. I wanted to improve my typing score so I took off my nails and cut them short. But, I did not improve like I wanted to. I had a new orientation for the final month of class studies. I also completed my monthly email evaluation. I am now working toward my Accountability. I worked with the class and the instructor on Finding keyboard shortcuts. We will be doing this tomorrow.

What I Did Today

I started my day with my usual job listings. After that, I sat in on the orientation for new CTP participants. I then worked on the Second Chance Research and Emergency Food & Grocery list. After that, I began the first part of my tech project, which included researching what APIs are and how they work.

What I did today?

Today marks my second week as an associate here at CTP, and it consisted of attending an orientation, posting job listings, and working on the second chance research. The orientation was really helpful as It was an opportunity to really learn more on what CTP does and really learn more info. I also used websites like Indeed and Linkedin to post joblistings. And eneded of the day by researching more on the second chance.

Job Listing: Remote Office Support (Full Time)

Virguez Law is looking for a full-time remote Office Support/Receptionist! This position involves answering and directing calls, data entry, and timekeeping and onboarding. Previous experience is desired for this position, but there are few other listed requirements and room for career growth, making it an ideal ‘foot in the door’ remote job. Consider applying today!