What I Did Today

Today we began the class from 2:00 – 2:50 PM watching a LinkedIn presentation which lead us into the professional documents labs where we created a LinkedIn. For the next hour, we filled out the profile and asked for help. For the last hour, we went around the group and shared our answers to in an interview Q and A.

What I Did Today

Today I watched a video about LinkedIn. Later, I worked on updating my LinkedIn profile. I started formulating what I’m going to write for my about me section. I also practiced a few interview answers.

What I did today…

Today was about revisiting more details toward putting our documents in order. And we started learning helpful ways to post our career choices on LinkedIn. All these details to refocus on how to redo my resumes, cover letters, and social media toward improving my opportunities to get a purposeful job in the future.

What I Did Today

Today I finished the Girl Scout Cookie spreadsheet in Google Sheets. I simplified the
spreadsheet to make it easier to read. Later, I double-checked my work to make sure the data and formulas were correct. After I finished the Girl Scout Cookie spreadsheet, I checked in with the instructor for a final review.

What I Did Today

Today I started posting three jobs for the newer students, and I actually managed to find three remote listings this time! After that I did my first full day of work on the B-Corp project, fixing the mistakes I made yesterday and adding several new possibilities to the list. Feels great to make a contribution to CTP, after they’ve done so much for me!