What I Did Today

Today I went over some scenarios about work place attitude. Most of the material was basic common sense knowledge but some questions made you think a little. Either way, I felt like it was good to cover this material because it’s important to remember how to display yourself in a professional environment. I also went over my professional documents. At the end of class, I received a lot of helpful information and knowledge from class mates regarding interview questions. Great productive day overall.

What I Did Today

Today we had a discussion about workplace attitude. We talked through some examples of text where someone acted unprofessionally on the job, and discussed why it was unprofessional. I liked that we were all able to contribute to the conversation as a class. Then I worked on consolidating my interview question and answers so that I can have them finished and written out once and for all. Finally, we did interview practice, and I ended up changing some of my written answers when I thought of new things to say.

What I did today

Today, we had a group discussion about Workplace Attitude. We emphasized the importance of maintaining good communication with employers to protect one’s employment. Additionally, I am working on refining my LinkedIn profile.

What I did today

Today we reviewed the workplace attitude presentation and discussed scenarios that could potentially happen in the workplace. Afterward, I worked on my professional documents, and then we reviewed interview questions for the last part of class.

What I Did Today

I started my first day back meeting with Carrie for my orientation. I also met with a high school intern and answered his questions about the project he was working on. I was assigned a project with Austin to help update the Dress For Success slides. It’s great to be back.