What I Did Today

I posted a few jobs and Job Fairs on the CTP job board. I also worked on the Dress for Success project with Austin. Doing this project I’m finding out how much things have changed within the workplace. The dress code in the office now allows you to wear jeans, but of course, the type of jeans are limited to a skinny jean for both men and women. I think that’s a god change.

What I Did Today

Today we began with introductions and I shared my career goal in software development and my interest in reverse engineering. We then started a new lab about Computer Hardware regarding BIOS and disk partitioning. I spent some time working through the BIOS lab, but we ended up doing a presentation about it that was even more enlightening because it covered things we couldn’t do in a VM. I did not have time to try it on my home PC, but I’m interested to try it now that I know how it works a little bit better than the last time I tried to use it.

What I learned today?

Today we worked on our typing skills. Today we worked on a copy of the 2024 Core Training Portfolio Template. I worked on finding a picture for my project. My computer was having trouble but I got it going. Today was a good day in training.

What I did today

today we started by doing introductions for the new addition to the class. We then moved into the lab portion of the day where learned that we were going to be doing the Computer Hardware lab this week. As we started working on and discussing the lab we went through a couple of presentations on the subject matter to clarify the subject.

What I Did Today

Today I practiced my typing. I also started an elective. This time around I chose to do a flyer so I could work on my creative skills. I feel like the design is basic but it still stands out.

What I Did Today

Today I started out with some job postings for the new students. After that, I transitioned to the Dress for Success project, where Lena and I hammered out the first four or so slides. I really appreciate her insight, I’ve gotten so used to working on projects more or less solo, so it’s great to have someone to make suggestions and bounce ideas off of!

Learning Salesforce

Today I submitted my Skillsoft assignment on non-verbal communication. I also reviewed my knowledge of Salesforce and received the required badge. I am looking forward to the A.I. presentation at 1:00p.m. this coming Friday.