Administrative Specialist/Entry Level (In-Person Sacramento, CA)

Company: First Environment, Inc.
A candidate’s responsibilities in this full-time role will be to prepare reports as well as proofreading documents and responding to customer support inquiries. Desirable skills should include proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, strong organizational skills, and familiarity with management systems. This is an equal opportunity employer that provides paid medical/dental coverage.

Service Admin/Entry Level (On-Site Concord, CA)

Company: InstroTek Inc
This is a role for any candidate who is physically capable and is content to work in an office/warehouse environment. You should be able to safely operate designated equipment and to prepare administrative paperwork in a timely manner. Duties will include overseeing the items of a company inventory, answering sales related phone calls, and interfacing with customers.

What I Did Today

Today I finished up the base Network lab and moved on to the Advanced / 2-Layer Network lab. it was very interesting to see how a network within a network could be set up to segregate devices and control traffic. I had a lot of fun troubleshooting with ping commands between all of the devices in the network and gaining understanding of how traffic routing works!

What I Did Today

Today, I created a folder that contained multiple sub-category folders for each month and week of PRO. Later, I had a check-in with employment services because I’m in my second month of PRO. In addition, I created an event on Google Calendar and added classmates to the guest list. I also researched information about Mechanics Bank for the upcoming mock interview.

What I Did Today

Today we began the first 15 minutes of class by practicing typing. Following that we watched a video on Google Calendar and proceeded to complete an assignment that involved inviting people to an event using Google Calendar. I also met with Carrie to go over the accommodations needed for a supported job search.

What I did today…

Hello Tuesday. Today we started out our day practicing typing. Then, we each took time out to meet separately with Carrie our Employment and Career instructor, to assess how we are doing in the employment phase and where we plan to go. It was a productive meeting. Next, we watched a video on setting up our Google Calendars. Then, we practiced a fun task to search for an event happening that we could be interested in going to; reviewed and put the pertinent information into our Google Calendar. Plus, we practiced inviting people to the event we chose. Afterward, we worked on our assignments. Until now, the time has gone for class. Time left to write today’s blog. Thankful I have planned the family’s dinner and prepped to cook when this is done.

Until tomorrow, enjoy the rest of the sunshine and day.

What I Did Today

Today I spent my first hour searching for three more listings that I could add to the CTP website. I then transferred over to the B-Corp project at 11:00 AM and continued working on that for the remainder of my shift. It’s a neat tool that has been decently interesting to learn about and explore why being considered a B-Corp is important in specific ways.