What I did today?

We started the day by practicing typing. Following that, we proceeded to work on our Power of Wellness Google slides project. Later on, I sought clarification on the assignments that I hadn’t completed yet.

What I did today…

Welcome to Wednesday here in CTP class. Today we started out practicing our typing. We worked on completing our Google Slide project regarding POW Fitness. I enjoyed working on the Slide project this time; the more I do, the more I learn, and the more I begin enjoying doing the Slides. I was happy that we had the rest of the time to work on our Accountability assignment; on the topic of rigidity and flexibility in the workplace. Good information. Good day my friends, it’s time to go…

What I Did Today

Today, I worked on my Google Slide presentation. On my Google Slide presentation, I edited some of the font sizing, added photos to the slides, edited the presentation to make it look better, and more. Later, I read and worked on the accountability assignment.

What I Did Today

Today I completed the POW Google Slides Presentation and then started work on my Core Training Portfolio presentation. It’s really cool and feels good to see all the work I’ve been doing come together and showcase that I am a capable person for the type of job that I want to have!

What I did today…

Whew! Loaded class. Today we set up a VPN with wireguard and RDC and connected to the CTP machine. We also went over the osTicket system that we will be using and I created my first ticket and worked on snipping and editing snips. A lot of new stuff for me. I think every day will be a lot of new stuff for me in this class. Exciting and challenging….