What I Did Today?

During the first hour, we kicked off with a presentation on the STAR method, which we then applied to our interview questions, weaving narratives into our answers. Moving into the second hour, we delved into workplace conflict scenarios, dissecting them and providing solutions. Finally, in the third hour, we engaged in a group practice interview session.

Friday April 5

Hello. I am at the end of my first week of PRO class and as I reflect back I can see how my instructors have not only educated me, but challenged me as well. Today I completed my first Employment Services class. Thinking about answers I could give in an interview was the most challenging part of the week. It was a good week. I was exposed to all sorts of computer skills I didn’t know existed. I have much to look forward to next week.

What I did today…

Today we worked on Employment Services with Carrie. We worked through some interview questions and the STAR method for answer questions (answering with a Situation, Task, Action and Result). Interviewing is very SCARY for me (Sketchy Cardiac-Arrest and Ridiculous Yammering).

What I did today…

Happy Friday. Today I was ready and happy to work on my employment skills and documents. We watched a presentation on how to utilize the STAR system in interviewing. I value practicing the Interviewing questions and answers. We worked on keeping my Job Log, as it will be my valuable organizational tool in the future.

I want to become more proficient with my job skills as well as improve all my employment skills and documents. As I learn, I like to share. My hope is to not only get a job but also share my wisdom with others who are placed in my path of life. Until next week… let’s go have some fun, it’s Friday!

What I Did Today

Today, I reviewed the STAR method for answering interview questions. The STAR method stands for situation, task, action, and result. I also completed a workplace conflict quiz. Later, I worked on modifying and answering more of my interview questions and answers document.

What I did this week

This week was our introduction to CTT, and the start of our journey. As such, we became acquainted with each other, and got started on setting up our digital workspaces. I had a lot of this work already done from my last attempt at CTT last year, so it wasn’t very hard. All I really had to do was check up on my browser to make sure all the right extensions were in place.

We got started on setting up a virtual machine via remote desktop connection, and should be able to get further along Project Inception next week.

As for Friday Employment Services, we went over some practice questions, got some information out to screen on our documents, and generally shared tips and information on how to handle interviewer questions with the STAR method.

Overall, I would say it was a good week.

What I did today.

Employment Services Presentation (2:00 – 2:50 PM)

  • Employment Services Presentation
  • New students, staff will provide access to your Job Log
  • Staff to prepare a Job Log for a new participant
    1. Open Job Log Template
    2. File / Make a copy…
    3. Rename document using participant’s name and remove the word template
    4. Move the document to Shared Drives / Supported job Search / Student Documents
    5. Share the document with the participant’s professional Gmail account

Professional Documents Labs (3:00 – 3:50 PM)

Make sure these are linked in your job log

Interview Practice (4:00 – 4:45 PM)

Wrap-Up (4:45 – 5:00 PM)

What I Did Today

Today started with us learning about employment services and the Star method in interviews. It is important to be prepared for a job interview. I worked on Star questions and practiced interviewing, and gave answers in practice interviews with Carrie. I will be updating the CTP job log and improving my professional skills in the coming weeks.