Today I’ve completed my network lab and network diagram. Looking at the diagram gave me a better understanding of how computers are connected. Also, I like every article presented today.
What I did today
Today I completed my Accountability assignment so that it would be ready for tomorrow. i worked on the Flyer. For the PRO customer service training. I met with my advisers, Devin and Carrie today. It was a very productive
What I learned today
Today we worked on creating a Flyer with prewritten text from a different document.
We had to include a picture and the CTP logo on the Flyer. We had to edit it to where there was only important information and group it into sections with different-sized text.
It was a little challenging posting a picture to it that covered the whole flyer, but I figured out how to do it messing with it a little.
What I Did Today
We primarily worked on the computer networking lab today, and I spent most of the time checking connections and filling out a network diagram. It’s nice to finally be able to understand what all the different numbers mean and how all the components interact. We also tried to do our tech article presentations, but unfortunately the timeframe was more rushed than usual. I was happy to be able to get most of the big ideas from the lab finished this week even though there was one less day to work on it.
What I did today
Today for the first two-thirds of our time we worked on our Networking Lab. In the last hour of class, we spent going over our tech articles for the week due to mock interviews being scheduled tomorrow.
What I Did Today
Today I learned more about finding gateway ip addresses and the limitations of the local networks that I set up under the 2-layer network solution…. We presented and discussed tech articles.
What I Did Today
Today I worked on the lab project but could not finish it because I was confused about some aspects. I checked in with Carrie and Devin and discussed my plans. The class presented articles, but we ran out of time before everyone could share their article.
What I did today
Today, we had our regular check-up, and did our tech articles today. I also finished up the networking project, and got through most of the Advanced Lab portion before we called it quits due to tomorrow having mock interviews.
What I Did Today
Today I learned how to make flyers. I found it a little challenging starting out. But I feel like the more I practiced, the easier it became. I feel like it’s important knowledge not only for work but in other aspects as well. I could use this skill for personal advertisements if I needed to.