Customer Service Representative

Remote/Work From Home Full-time CSR

This is in the United States and it is a work-from-home/remote job position. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office 365, Excel, Word, and Outlook. This position requires time management, organization, detail, communication, and strong writing skills.

Full-time Remote/Work From Home CSR Entry Level


The pay range for this job position is $15-$19.04 depending on experience and location.

8/14/24 What I Did Today

I had another disappointing beginning. I typed 27 W.P.M. I am not even keeping up with my average of 30 W.P.M. I am so afraid of making a mistake that will slow me down that I will glance over at my key to make sure I am hitting the right key. But then that only makes me more anxious and, then being so nervous about making another mistake, I make another mistake ! I finished my Elective Google Art project. I am happy about that. I hope I did it right. I am now working on the thought distortions accountability project which is due tomorrow. Seems to be going well.

8/13/24 What I Did Today

I started off terribly today. I typed 34 w.p.m. the first time but thought I could do better. But when I tried the second time I went too fast and made even more mistakes as I concentrated on going faster so I could do better than 34 w.p.m. Due to time wasted, I had no more time to spare and I had to submit that exercise in which I did 30 words a minute after my deductions. I learned how to do the Zoom Invite. I worked a little on my Google Art Sheet elective. I also was pleasantly surprised to learn that I can repeat some of the Salesforce courses I took in Skillsoft. I was under the impression that I could only re-test one more time if I was to get under 80 for my score Also Marc suggested maybe I should try another system of note-taking at least when working on Salesforce courses.