What I Did Today.

I was able to post 3 job listings on the CTP website in my 1st hour. For my last 2 hours I continued to add entries to a list of organizations that provide emergency food. Today, I only added 1 new organization, as it was the only one I could find that had all the information that was needed to include it on the list.

What I Did Today

I practiced my typing and it’s getting better each day.

I worked on a cool google sheets assignment where I learned how to format alternate colors and insert images into a cell. This was new to me.

Girl Scout Cookies Sheets assignment – when it was all said and done, I had one formula that was incorrect and once I made the formula correction Cornelius’s order, all the calculations were correct. 🙂

What I did today

Orientation on Sheets and then an assignment on Girl Scout Cookies Google Sheet Exercise. I feel that I learned so much on sheets today and this assignment has boosted my confidence. Thank you very much