Today, I gave a tech article presentation on Robotics and the integration of AI. Then, I opened a ticket in OSTicket to complete the disk partitions of installed operating systems. After that, I finished working on computer hardware partitions, creating a new virtual machine and partitioning the storage to install multiple operating systems such as Windows and Linux. It was another challenging day learning the steps to utilize multiple operating systems on a virtual machine.
What I did today
Finished the Disk partition lab, and moved on to Virtual Machine Storage lab.
Today in PRO 10/09/2024
The PRO class went by rather fast today. The starting a Zoom meeting for me was a crash. Everything went as well as it could, I was the only person in my set meeting. The last time we set up meetings, everyone was a success. This time I became a wrecking ball. Tomorrow we will be doing mock interviews with Delta Dental. Then, on Friday, I can tweak my cover letter and resume for my ideal job and send it out.
What I did today
I was able to start a new project that being EFG where I was able to get two of them written down for just getting over a cold I’m on a roll
Daniel Lee Blair
What I did today
Today I learned how to set up and host a Zoom meeting. This was a difficult task at first but my instructor, Michael, and my classmates were very helpful in talking me through each step of the process. We all attended each other’s meetings which was fun. Now that my account is set up it should be easier to set up a meeting.
What I did today.
I worked on my portfolio and received a nice compliment on it. I completed a Skillsoft course and scheduled a send for this coming Monday. I also completed the questionnaire for my elective. I had a great time learning to use my Zoom extension to create a Zoom meeting. The day was awesome. The weather is feeling fall like finally and that makes me a little happier.
What I did today!
Today read the article that I chose for this week. Then I began my Windows 10 PRO installation. I also installed a Windows 10 PRO ISO. After completing that I made a clone of my Windows 10 PRO.
What I did Today!
Today I got to work on how to setup a zoom meeting. I also got to help my classmates a little.
IT Generalist, for Intelligent Technical Solutions, at 125 Portola Avenue, Portola, CA 96122
Join Intelligent Technical Solutions as an IT Generalist, where you’ll provide onsite and remote IT support, ensuring excellent customer service. Key responsibilities include system updates and troubleshooting, playing a vital role in maintaining high standards of technical assistance.
These are some of the Responsibilities you will have at the job.
- Line-of-business application issues for common applications (SAGE ERP, QuickBooks), and for more niche applications with vendor assistance.
- Basic server issues.
- Basic networking issues.
Smart Vending Machine Technician and Android IT Support, for Digital Media Vending International, at Sebastopol, CA 95472
As a Smart Vending Machine Tech, you will be a valuable asset to our customer support team with your core skills in English, a passion for electro-mechanical things, and minor electrical experience.
These are some of the skills you will need for the job
- Final assembly work on Smart Vending Machines. Configuring dispensing trays, installing computers, payment terminals, and plugging everything in to their correct location.
- Must be familiar with Android and Windows operating systems for setting up machines. Specifics can be taught but general knowledge of how to navigate would be helpful.