Today I work on my LinkedIn profile and I turn in my voicemail and email for the job Practice
What I did today
Today was a career day. I was working on and researching how to follow up on an application. One way is to send an email and the other is to make a phone call and leave a message. Also, I will need to work on my resume and cover letter some more.
What I did today!
Today I researched a company called United Business Bank. I also answered some interview questions for practice. In addition to ten minute typing drill. I also completed my CTT self assessment.
In PRO today, 10/18
Well worked with Carrie, doing Employment Services. I completed my application online for a job that I want. Carrie gave us our Mock interview ratings, and I feel that I did well this time and will be doing better next week. Thank you Carrie for assisting the class with better skills.
What I did today.
I spent 15 minutes typing on Monkeytype. After that, I worked on Employment Services, including preparing a job application follow-up email and phone message. Next, I continued in the Professional Documents Lab, where I focused on refining my resume and LinkedIn profile. I then participated in Interview Practice and Interactive Labs, where I practiced responding to interview questions. Finally, I completed the end-of-week CTT self-assessment.
What I did today
Today I worked on my LinkedIn profile and my interview questions. It was fun and informative.
What I did this week
I worked on the Drive Imaging Labs, and on Friday did employment development practice.
What I did Today!
Today I got to practice my interview questions and answers. I got to work on my resume. I also got to practice my typing.
What I Did Today
Today I spent the first hour or so posting job listings to CTP’s skill center, and then looked at some ERG research. I also took a look at the graduation spreadsheet, which we will be using to help make sure all the graduation attendees are able to make it in time, in particular helping them set up with Zoom and find the link in their email. Later, Carrie explained how we will be using this sheet, and when to arrive to help with volunteering. I am very excited about the annual graduation ceremony tonight and looking forward to being able to help with that.
What I Did Today
I divided my day between finding three job listings and attempting outreach for the Disability ERG spreadsheet.