What I Did This Week

– A lot of spreadsheets. The practice is paying off and I’ve gotten a lot more confident.
– Put together and presented independent research on the company GScan.
— Technology, applications, potential business ventures
— Received and incorporated feedback about how to communicate a technical subject in a layman-friendly way
– Touchtyping speed increased 50% since starting to document it. I can feel it getting smoother
– Finally started resume/work history masterdoc
– STAR method for interviews
– Found a place to do class from on Friday’s so I can get to my volunteer position more on time.
– Looked into A+ Cert and am really pleased at how well I did on the practice questions
– Stupid excited about getting back to doing technical labs next week

What I did today.

I posted 3 jobs because I am really trying hard to research the jobs that are easier for less experienced people like myself to obtain. I completed another county on the food resource spreadsheet and added 20 entries to the rehab spreadsheet. Just busy with data entry today. Have a great weekend.

Sheets and Me friends or foes….

Day two of learning Sheets… I think with time I may learn enough to like this software.

however as of today I have shown great patience with myself.

I learned to take a breath instead of throwing my laptop out the window.

I learned a lot about merging cells.

Again I will thank God for the teachers whom I am sure would love to delete me… lol jk

What I Did Today

– Tech articles
— Got to present on the muon tomography doc I put together. I was stupid excited to do this. Seemed like it went okay. I can tell I’m still talking too fast. Proud of the extra work though.
— Every article presented had something to do with AI? Wild.
— It was nice to see Sage again. I already miss the folks who graduated out.
– Spreadsheets
— I think I did things in a relatively smart way. I’m definitely a lot more at ease with spreadsheets now. Hopefully even in a way that will stick around.
— Man I really kind of like data entry.
— Got done with spreadsheets early so I did some COMPTIA practice questions. Did surprisingly well! Even when I didn’t know the answer I could deduce it pretty often. My IT knowledge has grown massively since I started.

What I Did Today (3/4)

– Continued orientation and worked on my muon tomography document for Thursday when I didn’t have anything else to do. Got some good feedback from Jose about it.
– Email copyediting.
– I want to do cool labs again.
– Addressed some concerns. I’m glad they got brought up.