– A lot of spreadsheets. The practice is paying off and I’ve gotten a lot more confident.
– Put together and presented independent research on the company GScan.
— Technology, applications, potential business ventures
— Received and incorporated feedback about how to communicate a technical subject in a layman-friendly way
– Touchtyping speed increased 50% since starting to document it. I can feel it getting smoother
– Finally started resume/work history masterdoc
– STAR method for interviews
– Found a place to do class from on Friday’s so I can get to my volunteer position more on time.
– Looked into A+ Cert and am really pleased at how well I did on the practice questions
– Stupid excited about getting back to doing technical labs next week
I posted 3 jobs because I am really trying hard to research the jobs that are easier for less experienced people like myself to obtain. I completed another county on the food resource spreadsheet and added 20 entries to the rehab spreadsheet. Just busy with data entry today. Have a great weekend.
You will phone, chat, and email customers. Maintain accurate records, and collaborate with team members. you will need communication and problem-solving skills. A positive attitude is a must.
Breakthru Beverage Group
You don’t need any experience. Respond to customers and ensure orders are correct. Communicate well verbally and written. 1 year of experience preferred in this field.
I posted 3 job listings in my 1st hour. Afterward, I continued to add entries to a list of organizations that provide emergency food. I was able to find 2 entries today.
Day two of learning Sheets… I think with time I may learn enough to like this software.
however as of today I have shown great patience with myself.
I learned to take a breath instead of throwing my laptop out the window.
I learned a lot about merging cells.
Again I will thank God for the teachers whom I am sure would love to delete me… lol jk
– Tech articles
— Got to present on the muon tomography doc I put together. I was stupid excited to do this. Seemed like it went okay. I can tell I’m still talking too fast. Proud of the extra work though.
— Every article presented had something to do with AI? Wild.
— It was nice to see Sage again. I already miss the folks who graduated out.
– Spreadsheets
— I think I did things in a relatively smart way. I’m definitely a lot more at ease with spreadsheets now. Hopefully even in a way that will stick around.
— Man I really kind of like data entry.
— Got done with spreadsheets early so I did some COMPTIA practice questions. Did surprisingly well! Even when I didn’t know the answer I could deduce it pretty often. My IT knowledge has grown massively since I started.
– Continued orientation and worked on my muon tomography document for Thursday when I didn’t have anything else to do. Got some good feedback from Jose about it.
– Email copyediting.
– I want to do cool labs again.
– Addressed some concerns. I’m glad they got brought up.
Typing, Orientation on another sheets project and Did the UCSF Clinical Nurse Wage Table Project. It was pretty difficult but with the help of Marc and Mike, they helped a lot.