Typed 37 WPM. Did the individual challenge test on techniques learned. Had some trouble with the Goggle Sheet part. I need to find a way to get my first column back to the original categories. I enrolled in the 3CX telephone training. I learned from Jose the basics of telephone training.
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I Did Today
Today, I reviewed the styles icon in Google Docs. It was a refresher lesson since I haven’t reviewed in a while. I also took an independent challenge. Most of the challenge was easy but the excel part was kind of challenging. I was able to work through it however and I feel like I’m slowly …
What I did today
Today I worked on typing skills for the first part of class. Then I worked on the independent challenge for a while, When I was done I worked on Skillsoft until we all moved on and got things ready on 3cx for the rest of the weeks’ lessons.
What I did today.
I learned new skills. I did ok on the challenge.
What I Did Today
Today I recorded my portfolio presentation for the graduation event. It was a little difficult to not misspeak, but I got through it pretty quickly. Afterwards, we spent most of the day on the independent challenge. I think I did everything correctly and managed to get through the entire challenge. Finally, we logged into 3CX …
What I Did Today
I did the Independent Challenge today. I think I did ok. I figured out some things at a late time. Did my accountability assignment.
What I did Today.
Today I completed my 3 independent chanllenges. I also was able to setup my 3CX phone profile.
What I did Today?
I started off the day with doing 3 job listings. I then moved on to work on the emergency food list with finding organizations mainly in the bay area. I then worked on the disability ERG project.
What I Did Today
I posted some excellent resources for job research on the CTP job board. I worked on the ERG research project and reached out to a couple of possible ERG collaboration prospects for the near future. It still amazes me how many endless resources there are for people with disabilities, that I would have never known …
What I did today
Today, I actively participated in class discussions, and seeking clarification on any unclear topics could have deepened my understanding of the material. Additionally, I like group discussions have provided me with diverse perspectives and enhanced collaborative learning.