8/23/24 What I Did Today I worked on my linked in profile and practiced with interview questions. I did not have to rely on notes as I did in the past to answer the questions. I seem to be more self-condient, Carrie provided me with a good answer for what my weaknesses are.
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I Did Today
Today I recorded a rough draft interview. I received some helpful feedback and a boost of confidence. Every little bit helps. Afterwards, I did some interview practice and made some additions to my professional documents lab (resume, cover letter, linkdin profile, etc.) I feel today was very productive.
What I did today
Today we went over our interview questions and individually went over our Linked’ In, cover letters, resumes, etc… It was a fun day
What I did today
Today we started with video-recorded interview sessions. we then worked on our professional documents, where I worked on my interview questions and answers. Then we practiced our interview questions for the rest of our class time.
What I did today.
I worked on my resume, cover letter and Reasonable accomodation. Had a blast today.
What I did today
Today, I completed my video-recorded interview, recognizing that practice is essential for objectively assessing my performance, identifying areas for improvement, and highlighting my strengths to gain a clearer perspective on how I present myself to interviewers. I’m also focused on refining my resume.
What I did today
Today we worked on the BerkMart flyers. I had a glimpse of what others put on theirs and I liked their imagination and creativity on the project. After, I worked on my PRO Portfolio. I added a video at the end fast to make it even better. I like how it turned out. Thank you …
What I did Today.
I got to work on a flyer for Berkmart. I also got to work on some skillsoft.
8/22/24 What I Did Today
I typed 37 W.P.M. I was happy with my outcome. I worked on and completed the Berk Mart Flyer. It seemed my creativity flowed more naturally with this assignment than the flyer I did for POW. As I was doing it I could more clearly envision what it was to look like. It was like …
What I did today
Today we went over our tech articles for the week. I then worked on the Web Server Lab, learned how to set up a web server, and started learning how to use HTML to make a website.