What I did today

Today, I worked on Tools for Focusing, which gave some great ideas for staying alert and focusing on projects or assignments that can be used at work or at home. I also worked on a slide presentation for BerkMart. It was fun, but I think I could improve on what I’ve done in time.

What I did today!

Today started with an introduction of everyone in the class. We then moved on to sharing our weekly articles. After that I completed my Accountability and BerkMart assignments. I was also able to squeeze in some Skillsoft.

What I did today

Worked on today, the BerkMart event project which requires, scouting the internet for helpful information, and compiling the data to create a spreadsheet that accurately outlines the necessary information for the event’s itinerary and the necessary accommodation that will be required for a successful event. Another good day!

what did I do today? We started tapping for 15 minutes, and then we worked on the assignment, BerMart Event Project, using Google Docs and Google Sheets.

What I did today

Today I continued to work on the BerkMart project. I was able to finish most of the assignment. I still have a little bit more to do and the assignment is on Google Sheets where I used the countif formula to do a word count.