I started the Project Inception Lab
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I did today
Worked on the Shared folder lab and the Firewall lab.
What I did today
Today I was continuing to work on Project Inception. I finished Phase 3 and now I am working on Phase 4.
What I did today!
We began with a presentation for IP addresses, LAN/WAN, and routers. Then I continued my assignment for Virt-Manager (Remote Host) Project Inception Phase 3. I also worked on my Portfolio.
What I Did Today
I started the day by researching jobs and posting them, I tried finding good-paying jobs that were rated well. Next, I researched emergency food services and posted their info in a spreadsheet. I worked on the ERG outreach list but couldn’t find any contacts to update, and I had a check-in meeting with Carrie.
What I did today
Today, I created a flyer for Sunshine Express’s Grand Opening. I had a little trouble getting the background just right, but I succeeded in my task thanks to help from my instructors. I also worked on skillsoft training on how to Build Your Emotional Intelligence, which was very helpful.
What I did today
Today, we worked on our Pro Elective project.
What I Did Today
Today I still was not able to get into my LinkedIn profile, so I was a bit slower getting started. I still tried to submit job listings to CTP’s skill center page, but I had a lot of distractions because there were things going on outside the apartment. I then worked on porting all the …
What I Did Today
Today I started with some job postings for the students, and then transitioned into the ERG Outreach project. This was also my first day trying to help with Alumni Outreach, and I think I actually found someone! Exciting! This is my last week with AWEX, and I aim to make the most of it!
What i did today?
I work on Google Slide it was my elective choose assigment, and I work on workplace comutication assigment.