I finished my assignments and completed one more of the soft skills that I was behind. and I tapped for 15 minutes.
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I Did Today
My day started with a meeting with Carrie, she showed me how to email a business contact so that I could update the ERG list. I posted my job links on CTP, which took longer than usual. Lastly, I worked on the EFG list and posted a few organizations.
What I did today
Today I was working on Project Inception. I finished Phase 4 of the lab and I was seeing some of Phase 5.
What I did today
Worked on the 2 layer network lab
What I did today!
We began sharing our weekly tech articles. I continued with my Virt-Manager (Remote Host) Project Inception Phase 3 assignment. Then I worked on my portfolio.
What I did today
Today, I created a spreadsheet for art museums in the Bay Area. This required a lot of online searching, which sometimes frustrated me, but I succeeded. I had to find the Museum of Art, one artist whose work was on display at each location, and the title of one of the artists’ pieces. I also …
What I Did Today
Today I worked on Project Inception Phase 3 and updated my ticket as well as Presented a cool article I found on the internet about EEG Tattoos. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/12/e-tattoos-could-make-mobile-eegs-a-reality/
What I Did Today
Today was my last day of AWEX! I started out with some job postings for the students, and then spent my last few hours on the ERG Outreach project. I really benefited my time in this program. I now consider my skills to be on a professional level and I finally now have a professional …
what I Did today
I worked on phase 3 of CTT and added 2 new ISO’s to the Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Manager.
What I Did Today
Today I started with some job postings for the students, and then transitioned to the ERG Outreach project. In a meeting, Carrie helpfully pointed out that I’d been neglecting my Social Media duties, and gave me some very helpful advice on how to find more high-quality posts. I then spent the rest of my day …