– Did really well on the independent challenge. – Email signatures again. Now it works with my Mac email client.– Formalizing emails. — Thought this was an exercise in formal email writing rather than copy-editing and put slightly too much effort in. :,)
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I Did Today.
Today I worked on professional email signatures and correcting emails.
What I did today
Today I started off doing 15 minutes of typing. Then I checked in with Marc on how I did with my Independent Challenge yesterday and I did well and Marc taught me some formula’s that was very helpful. Mike showed us how to set our emails up with automatic signatures and then I finished the …
What I did today
Continued working on job listings, used ChatGPT for the first time for making job summaries, it allowed me to post significantly more listings. Continued working on the food bank list for San Luis Obispo county. Last Thursday and Friday were similar, with an hour of job listings followed by two hours of food bank listings.
what i did today
Today we went through the results of yesterday’s challenge. Next we learned of how to have a signature of the email. And then we did the professional vs informal email.
What I Did Today
I practiced my typing which I enjoy doing each day. I met with Marc to go over the Challenge we did yesterday. I was unsure of my score because yesterday, while doing the Challenge, I got tripped up on the “countif” formula in to top portion on Part 3 Sheets. I was pleased to hear …
What I Did Today
Today I began by following up with supervisors about new tasks and updates about my hours as I approach the end of my AWEX journey. I worked on posting job listings to CTP’s skill center page, but I only worked on this task briefly since I had a lot of communication that needed to happen …
What I Did Today
– No one showed up for coworking this morning. I should get Nathan’s email or contact info or something so I can talk to him directly about when one of us is going to be late or missing.– Phone skills. Site still works.– Figured out how to retrieve the A+ Cert Learning Objectives. They don’t …
What i did today
Today we went of what we are going to do in the week, then we all did the independent challenge, i was able to finish it all the way to the end, it was fun
What I did today
Today I spent the first hour researching job listings for Customer Service Reps, posting four in the Bay Area and Northern California. I spent the last two hours finding food banks in San Luis Obispo County, posting 12.