What I Did Today

I began my day by finding three more job listings to potentially help others. I am trying to keep in mind what I or someone in a similar position might be looking for when fishing through the many possibilities. Later, I finished that and went on to do research for the B-Corp project.

What I Did Today

Today, I created a folder that contained multiple sub-category folders for each month and week of PRO. Later, I had a check-in with employment services because I’m in my second month of PRO. In addition, I created an event on Google Calendar and added classmates to the guest list. I also researched information about Mechanics Bank for the upcoming mock interview.

What I Did Today

Today we began the first 15 minutes of class by practicing typing. Following that we watched a video on Google Calendar and proceeded to complete an assignment that involved inviting people to an event using Google Calendar. I also met with Carrie to go over the accommodations needed for a supported job search.