What I Did Today

Today I located and posted three new job listings. I made arrangements to meet with Jose on Monday for new SkillSoft modules. I started doing research with the Emergency Food Project. I enjoyed finding the information and being able to apply it to the spreadsheet.

What I Did Today

I posted three job listings on my Blog. I then moved to Business Outreach and researched a corporation out of Alabama and posted it on the spreadsheet. I then met with Carrie and created a chart for my typing progress spread sheet. We also discussed a new project (for me), food bank locations and accesability.

Tues. May 21

Hello. Today our class practices selling each other items off of the BerkMart website. We also did the monthly check-in with Carrie and Devin. When I came back from the second break I did a game practicing making change and worked on a Skillsoft about motivation and leadership.