What I did today

Today we went over a presentation on the Disk Imaging lab that we will be working on this week. After the presentation, I started working on and completed the Prelab, then started working on the Disk Imaging Required Lab.

What I did today

Today we role played as customers/ customer service representatives for the POW Fitness Center. We were scheduling appointments on a spreadsheet for massage therapy, and taking client information for creating a membership and explaining the different types of membership that the POW Fitness Center has.

What I Did Today

Today we worked on a customer service scenario. It was a little challenging, but I eventually caught on. We used spread sheets for this exercise. I feel like I’m improving a little with spread sheets.

What I did today

Today I started off the day with the ordinary of posting three job listings through the use of Linkedin and Indeed. After that I moved on to work on the second chance research. Then I worked on the outreach project, where I started emailing people regarding a collaboration with CTP.