Today I handled my usual three job listings and afterwards had my attention diverted to Outreach for the Disability ERG project.
Category Archives: What I Did Today
What I Did Today
I posted jobs on the CTP job board in the hope that someone will find employment. I met with Carrie briefly to record my name for next month’s CTP graduation. I also worked on the ERG research project.
What I Did Today
Today I started out with some job postings for the students. I then worked with Carrie to resolve some end-of-AWEX-period issues, and then made some last standardization changes to the Dress for Success presentation. I really enjoyed and benefited from this second AWEX period, and look forward to participating further!
What I Did Today
Today I handled my job listings assignment and then proceeded to narrow down a few articles for the Social Media project. After that, I utilized my remaining hour to focus on some additional Outreach for Disability ERG.
What I Did Today
Today I started out with some job postings for the students. After that, I tried to make additions to the ERG project, but found myself struggling, so I went back to do some final touches on the Dress for Success project. I also met with Carrie, where we discussed the end of my second AWEX …
What I Did Today
I posted jobs on the CTP job board. I meet with Carrie for my weekly check-in. And I worked on the ERG Project.
What I Did Today
Today, after some brief confusion, I was steered back on track and utilized an hour of my normal shift period to find three job listings.
What I Did Today
I posted a few job fairs/career events for Nothern California on the CTP job board. I met with Jose and Austin regarding the Dress for Success project. Jose gave us some great tips on how to make a slide presentation look great. Thank you, Jose! I also worked on my favorite project, the ERG project …
What I Did Today
Today I started out with some job postings for the students, although I stopped midway through to work with Lena and Jose on the Dress for Success project. He showed us how to make slide templates, to make everything much more standard, and I spent some time bringing each slide up to code. I also …
What Did I Do Today?
Work on interview Q&A, Typing, Linden In profile and experience