What I did today

Today, we did our Independent Challenge tests. I got through the tests and managed to complete all of them with about an hour to spare. As such, I spent the remaining amount of time on Skillshare. The current course I am on wireless connection services, and 802.11 types. Overall, it was a decent day.

What I did today

Today, we worked more on our employment documents, and went over the STAR method some more. This week was a busy one for me, so I did not get as much done as I was hoping. Next week should be better now that I am back on my Adderall.

What I did today

Today, we worked on the Remote Connectivity lab. I was sick & sleepy yesterday, and very sleepy today, so my progress has been a bit stunted. Regardless, I managed to acquaint myself with AnyDesk and got the questions for that portion of the lab completed.

What I did today

Today, we did our thursday presentations on various tech articles, mine being on the Helldivers 2 fiasco with Sony. I think it went well. After that, I spent the rest of the day watching SkillSoft content as I had finished the BerkMart Investor Conference project already.

What I did today

Today, we worked on our BerkMart investors conference sheets project. I put together a sheet, and completed the project. I then performed the labeled Extra Credit segment and became acquainted with Avery Labels Merge. Overall, not a bad day.

What I did today

Today we mostly went over introductory basics and essentials for the class’s new members. Afterwards we worked on a BerkMart conference registration form, and looked into a hotel for this fictional conference to take place in. Overall, not a bad day.

What I did this week

This week, we did mock-interviews, customer service roleplay sessions, and brushed up on our Google Sheets and Docs skills. For Friday, we also worked on our LinkedIn accounts. I am happy to report I was able to attend this Friday after having missed the last 2 Fridays due to dental visits.