I Presented my weekly Tech Article As Well as my Core Training Portfolio.
Author Archives: Joseph CTT
What I Did Today
I Worked on and recorded CTT Portfolio as well doing communications thru 3cx
What I Did Today
Worked on the Independent Challenge V2 an Practiced answering phones with Peers
What I Did Today
Learned how to answer my interview questions better in a professional manner.
what I did today
I progressed further thru the Coding and web servers lab called HTML on a VM Web Server and started early on skilsoft
Wat I Did Today
I progressed thru the HTML on a VM Web Server LAB
What I Did Today
Worked on the Coding and Web Servers Lab.
What I Did Today
Practiced Interview questions
What I Did Today
I worked on the Lab called Building PC for a Purpose!
What I Did Today
IWorked on CTT project ” Remote Activity” and learned how Valuable it is