What I did today!

Today I simply clocked in as usual. I continued where I left off yesterday. I did get a lot complete today. Although I did run into some technical difficulties. I plan to get those figured out tomorrow. Or at least before moving on to the next project.

What I did today!

I started a new ticket today. Then I answered all of the question and researched all of the terms. Then I began my installation of a new Virtual Machine. I did not complete my installation so I will continue working on it tomorrow.

What I did today?

I opened a new ticket for Computer Hardware Pre-Lab. I answered the necessary questions and defined the the computer terms. With the BIOS Exploration assignment, today I connected BIOS on 2 different Virtual Machine Managers (VirtualBox, Virt-Manager). I made note of the key you need to press to enter the startup menu (F12).

What I did today!

What I did Today! I used a ticket previously created for this week’s lab. I wrote a summary detailing what I needed to do for this lab. I used Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) to remotely connect to a computer. I copied the Debian Linux ISO from the itHub to the computer via RDP.