Completed sexual harassment awareness and prevention course, and worked on professional documents.
Author Archives: Eric AWEX
What I did today
Participated in mock interviews with volunteers from Mechanic’s Bank.
What I did today
Finished the HTML on a VM lab.
What I did today
Finished the pre lab and began the HTML on a VM lab.
What I did today
Did some research into Mechanic’s Bank for mock interviews. Worked on professional documents. Did interview question practice.
What I did today
Shared a tech article. Finished up the Build a PC for a Purpose lab and began next week’s pre-lab.
What I did today
Completed the Remote connectivity and Building a PC for a Purpose labs.
What I did today
Continued the Remote Connectivity lab.
What I did today
Posted a tech article to Slack, and worked on this week’s CTT lab: Remote Connectivity.
What I did today
I searched through volunteer opportunities, worked on my resume, and practiced answering interview questions.