What I Did Today

Today I did some practice with the 3CX phone app. I feel like it went very well and I’m still learning new information on how to use it. I also practiced on some written customer responses. I learned how to respond to customer feedback and complaints. Overall, I felt it was a productive day.

What I Did Today?

Today I learned how to use the chat – 3CX system. I found it quite easy as I was able to navigate through the system along with my partner. I also did an exercise involving checking/correcting emails.

What I Did Today

Today I worked on my Resume. I was able to add some stuff and now I’m ready for the critique phase to make it better. I also talked about my past conflict experiences in interview practice. I feel like everything that happened today was productive.

What I Did Today

Today I learned how to make flyers. I found it a little challenging starting out. But I feel like the more I practiced, the easier it became. I feel like it’s important knowledge not only for work but in other aspects as well. I could use this skill for personal advertisements if I needed to.