What I did Today

Today is an exciting day! Today is graduation day. We watched the movie “Listening under Pressure”. We worked individually on self-improvement such as Khan Academy or Skill Soft. Then we attended the Graduation, where we went over our Rose, Bud, and Thorn. I am thankful for all of my fellow students and the instructors.

What I did today

Today was a busy day. Individually, we had meetings to check up on how we are doing in the CTP Pro Classes. Then we were role-playing using the 3CX phone to use warm, and cold transfers and how to use our phone etiquette. Then we were working on Message Taking Practice.

What I did today

Today the class participated in customer/cashier role-playing with the Berkmart shop. It was fun. After, we watched a video on how to provide customer service to angry customers. After that, we were able to play a cash tendering game.

What I did today

We read a story where there was conflict, then we answered a few questions pertaining to the stories as to what other ways the conflicts could have been resolved and who was at fault. It gave perspective as to all sides of the story. After, we worked on our interview questions.