What I did today

Today I presented my tech article and had a nice discussion with my associates about both my article and their articles. After the tech articles, I worked on the exploring BIOS lab for the rest of the session.

What I did today

Today we reviewed the workplace attitude presentation and discussed scenarios that could potentially happen in the workplace. Afterward, I worked on my professional documents, and then we reviewed interview questions for the last part of class.

What I did today

Today we went over orientation for the Pro course for those new to the program. We also went over Windows shortcuts for a short amount of time. I also worked on my monthly update email as well as worked on Skillsoft assignments.

What I did today

Today we went over California’s sexual harassment training for the first part of the day, we then worked on our professional documents, and lastly we did some rapid-fire interview questions to close out the day.

What I did today

Today as a group we went over our tech articles for the week and I learned a couple of things about some new topics. I then worked on my customer service responses and my end-of-month reflection. For the last part of the day, we watched the end-of-month graduation ceremony.