What I did today

Today we went over orientation for the core courses. I then worked on Skillsoft for the middle hour of the class day. I also received the template for my portfolio to work on, which I worked on for the last part of class.

What I did today

Today I worked on typing skills for the first part of class. Then I worked on the independent challenge for a while, When I was done I worked on Skillsoft until we all moved on and got things ready on 3cx for the rest of the weeks’ lessons.

What I did today

Today we went over a presentation on the Disk Imaging lab that we will be working on this week. After the presentation, I started working on and completed the Prelab, then started working on the Disk Imaging Required Lab.

What I did today

Today was employment services day. for the first part of the day we worked on doing research in preparation for the upcoming mock interviews next week. Then I worked on my professional documents until the last hour of class where we practiced interview questions.

What I did today

Today I presented my tech article and had a nice discussion with my associates about both my article and their articles. After the tech articles, I worked on the exploring BIOS lab for the rest of the session.