What I did today

Today Alex shared an intriguing problem he had when he re-imaged 6 computers at the Scott classroom. 3 computer was imaged correctly but the remaining 3 others had a blank screen. On these problem computers the caps lock turned on but with a delay and was obviously doing something in the background. So we did a troubleshooting simulation offering different suggestion of what most likely caused the problem. The solution was not straightforward and Alex revealed that when he compared the BIOS settings of a working to a non-working computer he noticed that one was set to legacy and the other was set to auto and most likely choose UEFI. A setting overlooked can cause a big problem which can be falsely diagnosed as something else.

Alex added another criteria on the Network Assignment by connecting a wired network printer via DHCP and also via static assignment. We were able to do both and tomorrow we will try ping, nslookup and trace route on the network we made.