Today I began by finding and posting 3 jobs to CTP’s skill center page, scoured from various job search sites. I summarized and linked the jobs in a WordPress post. Next I worked on cross-referencing the DEI sheet with the watch page for companies that have disbanded or committed to their DEI initiatives. I didn’t find any listings to be removed or added since the last time I checked. After that, I worked on a task Jose assigned to me recently, which is to go through a course on SkillSoft’s new portal and compare courses to see how much course material overlaps. During this time, I joined a study hour with a CTP training participant to maintain accountability with them getting their SkillSoft hours done, and it was amusing to know that we were both working on SkillSoft related tasks during this time. They arrived late, but also stayed a little later than usual. During this time, I was also able to get through the first course I wanted to finish. At the end, they asked me some questions about the future following training and the right course to take. I was only able to offer limited advice, but I’m happy to have been able to discuss it. Finally, I switched to researching rehabilitation centers for potential partnership with CTP, and worked on that for the remaining time. Overall, I feel as though today was very productive.