What I Did Today

Today I worked on finding and posting job listings to CTP’s skill center page. I found three job listings which I thought were suitable for program graduates. Next I switched to researching which companies have committed to their DEI initiatives in the last several weeks. I didn’t find any new ones since the last time I checked, but I know the list is still being updated regularly, so I’ll continue to check each day. After that, I joined a study session with a CTT participant as per my recent schedule for my 11:00 AM hour. During this time, I monitored their ability to stay focused while working on my own task. The task I worked on was researching rehabilitation centers for potential outreach as a CTP partner. I found a few links to pages with potential vocational services, and added other contact info. Finally, I finished up by adding contact info to the DEI spreadsheet mentioned before. Going through these lists gives me something to fill the time during the study session and the 12:00 PM hour. I will continue with this workflow for the foreseeable future.